Before reading: I know almost nothing about Night Shift. I know my sister has a copy that I'm going to try to steal so that I don't have to buy it, myself. I also know (think) that it is short stories. Unlike The Bachman Books where those are short stories that were published separately and then put together in a book later, these are a collection of short stories that make up one book. I'm not sure if there are any more well-known stories that are in this collection but I'm going to find out! *Because there are multiple stories in this collection, I am going to do mini reviews for each on this page. Feel free to read all of them or to look for certain ones that intrigue you. King has multiple short story collections (including a new one that came out recently) so I will do this with all of his collections. I will review the stories as I go and then do my "after reading" when I've finished it in it's entirety. When it is completely finished is when ...