Before reading: We made it 10 books in! Sorry I'm so slow! I am hoping to zip right through this one because it is our 3rd installment of the Bachman Books and I have it sitting by my bed nestled right in with The Long Walk and Rage. Now I know you're probably thinking that this is probably one I've read before because TLW and Rage are two of my favorite books and I've had the Bachman Books for many years on my bookshelf...yeah well you're wrong. As much as I hate to admit it, I have never read this one. In my defense...when I first read the other two I was in high school and both of those stories are about high schoolers. The other two stories are about middle aged men, so excuse me for not being interested. It is wild to me that I've literally had this one sitting on my bookshelf for many years and never even thought about reading it. I honestly don't even know what it is about...I'm guessing...roadwork? I'm excited to find out so let's do this...