Before reading: Yay! I'm excited to finally get back into The Dark Tower series! I read the first book back in May, so it has been quite a while. Especially with the recent news that Mike Flanagan is planning on making a series, I am ready to get more of these books under my belt. Let's get to it! After reading: That was nice. I'm really enjoying reading The Dark Tower series and was happy to hop back into that world. I also found it to be a good transition from IT. This book was, of course, not as masterful as the previous read was, but it was familiar and beautifully written. I didn't feel like I was reading a dud after reading something so amazing. I think it also helped that it was a different genre. It is funny because the two books are so different, especially reading them back-to-back, but they are both so King. First and foremost, I was very pleased that the book included a recap. That was very much appreciated since, like I mentioned, it has been a...