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Showing posts from August, 2024

The Dark Tower (2004)

Before reading: I'm scared. It's hard to believe that after all this time we have actually arrived at the tower. I feel so ready but also not ready at all. Here we go.  After reading: Screaming crying and throwing up. I am going through all the stages of grief currently so hopefully this post is coherent. I will never shut up about how good this series is. So good. How will anything ever compare? What am I supposed to do with my life now??? Reading all of King in publication order made this especially rewarding. It takes a lot of time and energy but if you've got enough of both of those, I really recommend reading in this order. There are just so many layers. It's so good people. I'm not sure what else there even is to say.  There are so many references and crossovers in this book that I would have to write an entire book to even discuss it. So many characters from so many of my favorite stories made appearances. So that was a lot of fun. Besides being fun, this boo