Before reading: I've heard of Blaze because it was always listed under the Richard Bachman novels. That is about as far as my knowledge on this book goes. Digging into it, I learned that it was written in the 70's, it is King's version of Of Mice and Men, and he brought it back to life after being inspired by The Colorado Kid. And with that....let's go. After reading: That was...a book. Okay, okay, it honestly wasn't that bad but it was a real struggle for me to get through. The writing was fine and the characters were enticing, it just didn't do it for me. The fact that it was referencing Of Mice and Men was so in your face that I wish I was just reading that book instead. That was just a bit much for me. I found the "now" parts of the story to be more enticing than the "past" parts. The story would get going and then all of a sudden we were in the past and it just dragged on. This was a short book and it took me a long time to read and I...