It only took me 6 months but I finally finished reading Carrie! I don't think I need to tell you that this year has been crazy. I literally did not read anything all quarantine but that's fine (everything's fine!) and now I'm hoping to get back to digging into all of these Stephen King books! Like I had mentioned before, I'm actually going to be reading Carrie at work so it definitely helped me to read it before we start and then I'll get to read it again! So, let's talk about Carrie.
First, can we just talk about how this was Stephen King's first book? His first one and BAM, it's a classic. This is why he is the king of horror. Carrie is most definitely dated but I'm not going to hold that against it or really even delve into it. I knew the story without ever actually reading it. I had seen the movies and it is one of those classic tales that everyone knows what happens without needing to read it. But now that I've finally read it, I think everyone who knows the story without reading it should read it for themselves. It really is a great book. The way Stephen King writes dialogue is so great. I could read a whole book of his that is literally just two people talking. Also, guys, Carrie is scary (points for rhyming?). It isn't scary in the way you think. Carrie killing all her classmates and burning the town to the ground wasn't really that scary at all. But that's because Carrie isn't the villain of this story, her mother is. The scenes with Carrie and her mom were hard to read at times. The way her mom treats her and thinks and acts is so scary. It's scary knowing that there are parents out there that are like that (except they probably don't have a telekinetic child). You can replace Carrie's telekinesis with something more familiar and all of a sudden this story is much more relatable.
I'm glad I finally got around to reading the book. I wouldn't call it one of my favorites but it is definitely a good read and a classic. It is interesting to have read King's first book and his most recent and see the differences and similarities between the two. He is definitely a character guy and creates great characters and their stories stem from that. And of course, at its core, it is a great lesson in bullying and treating each other with respect.
One last thing I will say, Carrie definitely invented the term 'sorry not sorry' when she said, "I'm sorry momma but I can't be sorry."
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