Before reading: Another one that I didn't know existed until I looked up a list of Stephen King novels. I am super excited for this one because we get a new genre...fantasy! I can't wait to see how King makes this genre his own. Also, it is set in the same realm as The Dark Tower series so I'm hoping we get the same feels as we got when we read The Gunslinger (still have to read 5 more books before the second DT novel...not that anyone is counting). Let's go! After reading: Well, I didn't get Dark Tower feels or even Stephen King feels for that matter. This was a strange read. I almost don't have anything to say about it. It took me a while to read but I did enjoy reading it. However, it felt so...out of place? It was like it was almost trying to make fun of fairytales or be so very cookie-cutter fairytale that it came off disingenuous? I'm not sure. It was written like how a high school student writing a fantasy story for a class assignment would write...