Before reading: Another one that I didn't know existed until I looked up a list of Stephen King novels. I am super excited for this one because we get a new genre...fantasy! I can't wait to see how King makes this genre his own. Also, it is set in the same realm as The Dark Tower series so I'm hoping we get the same feels as we got when we read The Gunslinger (still have to read 5 more books before the second DT novel...not that anyone is counting). Let's go!
After reading: Well, I didn't get Dark Tower feels or even Stephen King feels for that matter. This was a strange read. I almost don't have anything to say about it. It took me a while to read but I did enjoy reading it. However, it felt so...out of place? It was like it was almost trying to make fun of fairytales or be so very cookie-cutter fairytale that it came off disingenuous? I'm not sure. It was written like how a high school student writing a fantasy story for a class assignment would write. That being said, it was enjoyable in a guilty pleasure type of way. I almost want to say that it was stupid but I liked it. However, it wasn't stupid. It had a lot of heart and an interesting and thrilling (while perhaps cliche) plot.
If you are a fan of the DT series, right away we were transported to Delain, which is mentioned in DT, and are introduced to none other than Flagg. Also, because Flagg was never actually mentioned by name in The Gunslinger this might just actually be our first real introduction to him in this realm. And, of course, if you are a fan of The Stand then you might find this one enjoyable, as well. One random thing I just have to point out...I've mentioned it a few times before but I'm fairly certain JK Rowling was inspired by (stole) elements from Stephen King novels. From this one... a lightning bolt scar and having a taboo on a name. Like...come on now. I digress.
The end of this book did get very intense and dare I I have one note that says "nooooo!" but luckily that was immediately followed by "plot twist!" I really enjoyed the group of characters we got toward the end. Ben, Dennis, and Naomi were great and I almost wish the entire book followed them. Ben and Naomi gave me strong Jon Snow and Ygritte vibes. I was expecting to see the line, "you know nothing Ben Staad." My last bit of notes is that the ending was actually scary. I was reminded that Stephen King was writing this thing when I suddenly became terrified.
I guess that's it. I wish I had more to say. It was just so different from what I've read up to this point. I would recommend it if you're into this kind of thing. I didn't love it but I did enjoy it. I'm interested to see if anything that happened here plays out in future DT or related text. I guess we'll find out!
Up next is a classic...and a long one...The Talisman.
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